BSI certificate profile

BSI certificate profile

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BSI certificate profile
BSI certificate profile
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TL 9000-H R6.3/R5.7

Delta Electronics India Private Limited
Plot No. 11B, 12, 13A, 37B, 38 & 39A
Sector 5, IIE Pantnagar
263 153

Certificate number FM 590249
Scope The Manufacture and supply of Telecom Power Solution as per Design Specifications provided by the DELTA off-site located at Thailand. Product Category: 5.3 (Power Systems). TL ID: 6623
Original registration date Effective date Last revision date Expiry date
Original registration date 2012-10-23 Effective date 2021-10-23 Last revision date 2022-09-28 Expiry date 2024-10-22

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